Practical and spiritual resources are the first and most important way to reach to indigenous communities and incoming refugees from surrounding nations. This includes, but is not limited to water, food, clothing, and Bibles.
Real Hope Africa
Embracing Africa with the Real Hope of God’s Word
About Us
Real Hope Africa brings together people and organizations committed to pursuing meaningful and measurable change in the spiritual and social lives of people, communities, and nations through the hope and truth of God's Word. We are focused on supporting indigenous-led projects in the Horn of Africa that provide resources, education, advocacy, and leadership training.
Promoting literacy, starting schools and churches, and leading Bible studies are just a few of the ways our indigenous ministry partners seek to educate their communities and reach the hurting with the hope of the gospel.
Training people to advocate for themselves within local and national governments is imperative for improving the precious lives of those who live in communities, cities, and nations throughout the Horn of Africa.
Our indigenous leaders learn how to translate the Bible, plant and grow churches, and facilitate literacy and learning within their communities. Thus ensuring that both practical and spiritual change will take root.