Your support will make an eternal difference in the lives of those who need the real hope of God’s Word in the Horn of Africa!
Your gift makes it possible for us to translate the Bible into local languages, support our translators, train up leaders, minister to children, and provide other spiritual and practical resources.
Bible Translation
If you’re reading this, then you already have a Bible in your language. Many tribes in Africa still don’t have a Bible written and printed in their language. Our partner in Ethiopia is dedicated to translating the Scriptures into 16 different language groups throughout Ethiopia; with the potential of many more throughout the Horn of Africa in the future.
Translator Support
Each of our precious Bible translators have a remarkable story that led them to serving the Lord through the work of Bible translation. Like each of us though, they need to be able to support themselves and their families and have shelter, food, clothing, and other basic needs met.
Leadership Training
Our indigenous leaders are trained in how to translate the Bible, plant and grow churches, and facilitate literacy and learning within their communities. Thus ensuring that both practical and spiritual change will take root in the lives of those they serve.
Ministry to Children
There are 54 million children in Ethiopia, most of whom are not touched by church evangelism and discipleship. Our current initiatives include the creation of a children’s Bible, Scripture engagement and trauma healing programs for children, and the development of local church partnerships and training.
Audio Bibles
Audio Bibles have emerged as a great spiritual and evangelism resource for rural communities. Many of these people either don’t have a written Bible in their language, cannot read, or do not have the freedom to go to churches. Audio Bibles are recorded in local languages and uploaded to SD cards or solar-powered audio devices so that individuals and small groups can listen to the Word and grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Practical and spiritual resources are the first and most important way to reach to indigenous communities and incoming refugees from surrounding nations. This includes, but is not limited to water, food, clothing, and Bibles.
Click here to give using a debit or credit card or electronic fund transfer (EFT/ACH).
Credit and Debit Cards: You do not have to have a PayPal account, simply click the white “Donate with Debit or Credit Card” button.
Electronic Fund Transfers: You will need to log into a PayPal account by clicking the yellow “Donate with PayPal” button.
Mail A Check
Please make your check out to “Real Hope Africa” and send it to:
Real Hope Africa, PO Box 3, Avon Park, FL 33826
To give by Zelle, use phone number: 1-863-359-3935
You must have Zelle set up with your bank account.
Real Hope Africa is a registered 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax-deductible for residents of the United States. No goods or services are rendered for your donation.
Please contact us if you have any questions.